About The Defense
Kacey McBroom
Ian Wallach
Kacey McBroom
Kacey McBroom is a founding partner of California law firm Kaedian, LLP. She focuses her practice on federal and state criminal defense and defending individuals in civil actions arising from alleged criminal conduct. She represents defendants throughout California in a wide variety of federal and state cases. She is also a member of the Central District of California trial attorney panel (CJA) and the Independent Defense Counsel Office private bar panel for Los Angeles County.
Ms. McBroom began her legal career as a law clerk to noted criminal defense attorney Gigi Gordon at the Post Conviction Assistance Center in Los Angeles. Ms. Gordon was known nationwide for her work fighting disgraced law enforcement officers and challenging the testimony of jailhouse informants and preserving DNA evidence to exonerate those wrongfully convicted. In her capacity as Ms. Gordon’s law clerk, Ms. McBroom conducted investigations into the criminal convictions achieved in part by the perjured testimony of disgraced Los Angeles Police Department officers from the Rampart Division.
Later, Ms. McBroom worked as an associate for The Law Offices of Randolph & Associates defending clients in both federal and state court and then as a Deputy Public Defender for the San Bernardino County Public Defender’s Office.
Ms. McBroom obtained her J.D. from the University of Southern California and her Bachelor of Arts in History from Brown University. While in law school, she served as a law clerk for the Civil Division of the United States Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles, a summer associate with Quisenberry & Kabateck LLC and a certified legal intern for the Post Conviction Justice Project, a clinical program at the University of Southern California that provides legal representation to parole-eligible inmates serving indeterminate life sentences for murder in California state prisons.
Outside of her work, Ms. McBroom is also an active member of the NACDL (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers), the Los Angeles County Bar Association, and the California Criminal Courts Bar Association.
Find out more about Kacey at www.arrestedincali.com
Ian Wallach
Ian Wallach's firm - The Law Office of Ian Wallach, P.C. -- is predominantly in Los Angeles (an office is expected to open in March in New York. Ian is also licensed in Colorado). About 90% of the practice is criminal defense, and there are usually two criminal-defense related civil rights actions pending. Ian is a member of the CJA panel and also devotes substantial time providing pro bono representation. Ian is an avid participant in NACDL (National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers). Ian is a life member of NACDL, on the Board of Directors, a member of several committees, the co-chair of the Task Force on Police Accountability, and co-chairs NACDL's annual Defending Modern Drug Crimes seminar in Las Vegas.
Ian began his career as a law clerk in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia where he participated in drafting the indictment of Slobodan Milosevic. He has represented Guantanamo Bay detainees in connection with CCR challenging unlawful detention. He made progress in civil rights and federal tort claims act law by arguing the seminal case of Edison v. United States before the 9th Circuit — securing the rights of inmates to sue the United States for harms arising in custodial settings, even when the facilities are contracted out to third parties, and was the first lawyer to obtain a substantial settlement for claims arising out of Valley Fever infections in Eastern California, when the Government knew of the danger such housing posed to individuals of African descent.
Recently, in addition to his criminal docket, Ian had success in the civil rights arena, settling the In Re Dontre Hamilton v. Milwaukee Case and Barry Montgomery v. LASD cases, both with Jovan Blacknell of California, and Raul Martinez v. LASD, along with Neufeld, Scheck, Brustin, Hoffmann &, Freudenberger, LLP. Each had record-setting recoveries.
Ian is a published author, both in and out of the legal field, and a former legal commentator.
Find out more about Ian at www.wallachlegal.com